TWQ_View: the program for viewing and work with diagrams generated by the TWQ program of R.G. Berman (1991) used for multi-equilibrium geothermobarometry
TWQ_View is a handy ©MS Windows freeware for viewing and basic work with diagrams generated by the TWQ/winTWQ program package of R.G. Berman, T.H. Brown, E.H. Perkins and J. Ellwood. You can run either DOS version of INTERSX or winTERSX from the Windows version of the package via the program interface in the batch mode. You can also run 16-bit DOS version of INTERSX under 64-bit OS (like Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10) due to implemented support of two DOS emulators (DOSBox and/or vDOS) which should be loaded and installed by yourself.
With TWQ_View you can:
- display diagrams;
- adjust their design;
- colorize curves and find specific equilibria (by clicking on curves as well as by selecting from the list);
- zoom;
- scroll;
- show / hide specified curves and sets of equilibria containing specified components;
- combine diagrams;
- browse diagrams by moving through the list of plot-files;
- plot compositions of phases (mole fractions of components/elements) for the list of compositional files;
- run INTERSX/winTERSX via the program interface for selected plot-files or for all plot-files in the directory (using complicated cyclic batch mode process for handling frequent fatal terminations of the program), even for selected reactions only;
- display averaged values (with deviations) on diagrams together with equilibria;
- search plot-files with best convergence of intersections using sorted lists of averages;
- change pressure units (bar→kbar) and activity scale (Log(α)→α);
- replace abbreviations automatically by a commonly accepted ones (taken from the editable list);
- copy diagrams to the clipboard as a vector Windows Meta-Files (WMF) with following pasting to any editor of vector graphics (like ©CorelDraw) or to a text processor (like ©MS Word).

You can associate TWQ_View with desired extensions of plot-files (e.g. *.PLT, *.P1) and view diagrams simply by clicking on their files in the file explorer.
TWQ_View is used together with the TWQ_Comb program.
TWQ_View demos (prior to version
Calculation of average P-T values:
Calculation of water activity:
Big update from 03/28/2022. The most significant changes are related to the addition of support for Windows versions of the winTWQ package:
- Window "TWQ Settings" (menu Analysis – Database...): the Win checkbox selects the DOS or Windows version of TWQ. The directories and executable files of both packages are specified using the [win]TWQ directory button at the top of the window.
- For the convenience of working in batch mode with winTERSX, a special service utility AppCtrl can be used, which takes full control over the program.
- For the DOS version of TWQ, support for an alternative DOS emulator vDOS has been added, which is noticeably faster than DOSBox. NB! With incorrect security settings on Windows, the vDOS emulator may crash with the message "vDOS should not run elevated". A simple solution is to put the line "ADMIN=ON" in his config.txt file.
- Some of the variables in the INI file changed their format and new ones were added.
- Help file updated. Pay attention to the "Requirements and installation" section.
In addition, the winTWQ package is expected to be updated with some improvements and bug fixes. The latest versions can be found at the new TWQ site
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