PTQuick: the program for estimation of equilibrium parameters for mineral assemblages using methods of classical geothermobarometry
PTQuick is a handy ©MS Windows program for estimation of equilibrium parameters (temperatures, pressures, oxygen fugacities) for mineral parageneses using methods of classical geothermobarometry, i.e. by independent expressions and algorithms ("tools") developed by different authors.
A special attention is paid to convenience and efficiency of working, that makes obtaining final results easy and fast:
- simultaneous work with large sets of samples;
- fast "intelligent" import of tabulated data on mineral compositions from ©MS Excel or text ASCII-files with immediate calculation of formulae coefficients (by two methods);
- automatic selection of available tools based on full set of imported compositional data and on data present for separate samples;
- automatic recalculation and plotting of mineral equilibrium curves while a user navigates the table of analyses (at changes of samples) or the diagram window;
- estimation and plotting of intersection points for selected equilibria (geothermometers and geobarometers, geothermometers and oxybarometers, etc.) for all imported samples, as well as performing of "chain" calculations (estimation of P-T parameters from intersection of geothermometer and geobarometer with their following use in the expression of oxybarometer);
- plotting of different reference curves on diagrams (e.g. lines of transitions between polymorphs, conductive geotherms, etc.);
- two variants for user-specified sets of selected tools and reference lines;
- fast copy of diagrams, tables with calculated mineral analyses and tabulated results of parameters' calculations to the Windows clipboard for the following use in other programs (e.g. in ©MS Word, ©MS Excel, ©Corel Draw, etc.);
- opportunities for the program customization and more...
All the thermodynamic calculations (sensors' procedures, or tools' database) in PTQuick are implemented as a separate open-source module, so that you can investigate and modify their actually working algorithms: I think this idea is very important for such scientific programs.
The database of tools is implemented as a dynamically linked library (PTools.dll), i.e. correction or addition of new tools involves editing of its source text by the programmer with following compilation and linking in the ©Borland Delphi programming environment (instructions about these operations are provided in supplied sources of the library, where you can also check how all the tools are implemented).
Moreover, there is an opportunity in PTQuick for use of additional external tools implemented as separate small programs (executable exe-files) that communicate with the host program via small text files having very simple format.
While the current set of tools (near 150) is focused mostly on HP and UHP rocks (lower crust and upper mantle conditions) and some of them are only of historical interest, a wider range of conditions and mineral associations can be easily covered. However, addition of all known tools is not planned: I'll add new tools on your requests only.
PTQuick was developed in close cooperation with Sergey K. Simakov who is the author of several geothermometers, geobarometers and oxybarometers. As for the tool set and some ideas, PTQuick is a descendant of the >15-years old DOS-program GEOTHERM that was developed by Mikhail V. Ivanov and Sergey K. Simakov for geothermobarometric investigations of high-pressure and ultra-high-pressure rocks.
List of sensors implemented in PTQuick can be viewed on (and downloaded from) Google Drive or Yandex Disk
How to work with PTQuick (basic operations demo, program version 1.0):
Thank you for this great
Thank you for this great software!
Do you think it would be possible to add a GASP barometer to conduct thermobarometry on amphibolite-grade metapelites? According to Wu et al(Lithos 2006) those of Newton and Haselton,1981 and Holdaway (2001) are the best.
Hi Felix,
Hi Felix,
Sure, it's possible! I will add these calibrations for 1-2 days and let you know about it here.
P.S. However, I expect more time to implement the calibration of M. Holdaway (2001).
how to install the PT Quick software
Sir, please provide step-by-step process of installation of the PT Quick software and also want to know when are try to paste the data there is error incorrect table format in the clipboard
how to install the PT Quick software
This program doesn't require something special for installation: just copy the files from the archive to any unprotected directory.
Format features of importing tables (from PTQuick_Eng.chm):
Editable lists with allowed key-fragments of identifiers for these columns are stored in the PTQuick.ini file (variables Sample=, Area=, Mineral=, Analysis= and Types=)
Thank you very much Dmitry,
Thank you very much Dmitry, it will be extremely useful. As for Holdaway, it would ressurect the program, because it doesn't work on new Windows platforms.
Garnet-Plagioclase-Al2SiO5-Quartz (GASP) geobarometer of R.C.Newton and H.T.Haselton (1981) has been added to the PTQuick set.
Expressions for Ky, Sil and And polymorphs are taken from the GPT MS Excel program of J.Reche & F.J.Martinez (1996).
List of files to be replaced:
P.S. I think this geobarometer has historical interest only. E.g. it uses the problematic volumetric data for Grs-Alm and Grs-Prp garnets from Cressey et al. (1978), you can read critique in Berman (1990).
Historical interest .... but
Historical interest .... but it is the GASP barometer that yielded the best results after Holdaway, according to Wu and Cheng, 2006
Unfortunately, these tests
Unfortunately, these tests doesn't include GASP (+GB thermometer) calculations by programs like TWQ or Thermocalc+AX (avPT) with updated thermodynamic databases (more modern than Berman 1992). BTW I think that Holdaway's barometer can also be easily implemented directly in TWQ (all what we need is to replace Hf and Sf parameters of grossular in the database B92.dat and to add the alternative set of garnet Margules parameters to the B92.sln file). I'll try...
Garnet-Plagioclase-Al2SiO5-Quartz (GASP) geobarometer of M.Holdaway (2001) has been added to the PTQuick set. The most recommended "AVF" version (averaged garnet Margules parameters and plagioclase model of M.Fuhrman & D.Lindsley (1988)) is used. GASP with andalusite is also implemented. The procedure automatically detects the correct alpha/beta quartz polymorph.
The only difference is that fixed Fe3+ can not be set via the program interface yet,though the procedure is sensitive to Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio estimated by the charge disbalance method (BTW you can clear the "Use Fe[3+]" checkbox to assign all Fe to Fe2+ or set variable "Fe3=N" for the barometers in the Tools.dat file).List of files to be replaced:
The "DLL Source" folder is also updated, this GASP barometer is placed starting from the line
6963in PTools.dpr...There is also the Excel version of this barometer designed for one sample per time calculations. It's good for testing/educational purposes or just to check how it works, I've commented most important details there. This Excel version can be downloaded from my Google Drive or Yandex Disk.
P.S. I've added a new optional variable "Fe3%=" that can be used in Minerals.dat file for fixed mol.% of Fe3+ in desired minerals. E.g. you can add the line
to the garnet description and
to the biotite description. This setting affects only the calculations by cationic method and supersedes the calculations of Fe3+ by charge disbalance and from measured contents of Fe2O3.
Therefore, PTQuick.exe with help-files (*.chm) are also updated!
Grt-Bt geothermometer of M
Grt-Bt geothermometer of M.Holdaway (2000) has been added to the PTQuick set. The most recommended 5AVE model (consistent with the "AVF" version of GASP geobarometer from Holdaway, 2001) is used. List of files to be replaced:
Grt-Bt-Pl-Qtz geobarometers
Grt-Bt-Pl-Qtz geobarometers from (Wu, Zhang & Ren, 2004) have been added, expressions equivalent to the Excel variants are used (however, expressions of activity coefficients are replaced by general equation). These Mg and Fe barometers are almost consistent with GB thermometer and GASP barometer of M.Holdaway (2000, 2001). WHCaK and WHKCa for Pl are swapped (vs. original paper) due to missed typo in the Fuhrman & Lindsley (1988) paper (though, this error has negligible effect). Fe3%=3 in the garnet description and Fe3%=11.6 (assemblages with ilmenite) or Fe3%=20 (assemblages with magnetite) for the biotite description are recommended in Minerals.dat. Check "Use Fe[3+]" option for correct Bt recalculation. NB: Fe and Mg GBPQ lines are crossed at T ≠ TGrt-Bt (Holdaway, 2000), a little.
Dear Sir
Dear Sir
I am trying to calculated PT condition for my samples which consist of garnet, muscovite, chlorite, plagioclase and quartz so it would be great help if you add garnet-muscovite geothermometer and garnet-muscovite-plagioclase-quartz geobarometer. According to Wu et al(Lithos 2006).
Thank you very much
I was planning to add these geothermometer and geobarometer, I'll do it next week!
I am very happy to know that.
I am very happy to know that. Hope to get your updated version after next week
I'll echo the above comments,
I'll echo the above comments, very handy piece of software, Dimitry. Could you add the Spear (1993) and Bhattacharya et al.(Contrib. min. pet., 1992) garnet-biotite thermometers as well?
OK! I'll add these historical
OK! I'll add these thermometers tomorrow, together with equations of Wu et al. Do you mean the simple Grt-Bt expression from the Spear's 1993 book, chapter 15?
Wonderful, yes that would be
Wonderful, yes that would be great. Thanks so much!
I've updated the main
I've updated the main executable PTQuick.exe ("Fe3%=" option in Minerals.dat now affects the both two re-calculation methods) and added muscovite to Minerals.dat.
Several new geothermometers and geobarometers appeared in PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
1. Grt-Mu geothermometer (Wu & Zhao, 2006)
2. Grt-Mu-Pl(+Qtz) geobarometers (Wu & Zhao, 2006), Mg & Fe reactions
3. Grt-Bt-Mu-Pl geobarometers (Wu, 2015), Mg & Fe reactions
Historical Grt-Bt thermometers:
4. Grt-Bt geothermometer (Spear, 1993)
5. Grt-Bt geothermometers (Bhattacharya et al., 1992), HW & GS versions
Some notes on the tools of Wu et al.:
1. Don't forget to set "Fe3%=3" for garnets and "Fe3%=11.6" for biotites in Minerals.dat (just type "=" in these lines)
2. You may notice very small differences in pressures between PTQuick vs. Wu's Excel workbooks (several bars lower in PTQuick). This is mainly due to WHCaK/WHKCa plagioclase Margules parameters erroneously swapped in original paper (Fuhrman & Lindsley, 1988) with used felspar model. This typo has been corrected by M. Holdaway (2001) in his GB.EXE, GASP.EXE and GBGASP.EXE programs (supplementary letter) but not in feldspar expressions of Wu et al. (Fc=WH). I decided to use the same corrected feldspar expressions in PTQuick for all these tools (following M. Holdaway). BTW, I prefer to use the general RTlnγ expression in PTools.dll with immediate W values rather than re-arranged expressions from the papers of Wu et al. (which are great for Excel spreadsheets but too awkward in conventional programs).
Thanks Dmitry for this
Thanks Dmitry for this software! It works very well and is way more convenient than dealing with the equations in different spreadsheets. Thanks also for your great work on TC_Comb!
Would it be possible to add the following barometer for metapelites with Ca-poor garnet or plagioclase?
Garnet-biotite-muscovite-aluminosilicate-quartz barometer (Wu and Zhao, 2007, Lithos)
It would also be neat to have the following thermometers added as well. Although the equations are easy to calculate, they are pressure dependent and PTQuick would work nicely to display them along with other reactions.
Ti-in-biotite thermometer (Wu and Chen, 2015, Science Bulletin)
Ti-in-muscovite thermometer (Wu and Chen, 2015, Lithos)
Your dedication to ameliorate the software is truly appreciated!
Thank you Renaud for the kind
Thank you Renaud for the kind words! I'll add these barometer and thermometers as soon as possible, but not earlier than beginning of the next week (when I can get all required Wu's Excel tables with calculation examples for testing).
I regard Excel spreadsheets from supplementary materials as open-source working examples of presented methods. IMHO, they are great for educational and testing purposes and for small tasks, but poorly suitable for voluminous regular works. I've tried once to write a serious program in Excel (after closer look at Isoplot), but abandoned this project despite its success: a) it works too slow with large data volumes, b) Excel puts too many limitations for programming (especially for interface, user-program interaction).
New expressions added to
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
1. Grt-Bt-Mu-Als-Qtz geobarometers (Wu & Zhao, 2007, Lithos), Ky, Sil & And versions
2. Ti-in-Bt geothermometer (Wu & Chen, 2015, Science Bulletin)
3. Ti-in-Mu geothermometer (Wu & Chen, 2015, Lithos)
However, the last two thermometers are imprecize tools which can be used only for rough estimations. You can read also: Chambers J.A. & Kohn M.J., 2012. Titanium in muscovite, biotite, and hornblende: modeling, thermometry, and rutile activities of metapelites and amphibolites // American Mineralogist, v. 97, p.543-555.
Thanks a lot Dmitry for
Thanks a lot Dmitry for adding these tools! It's much easier now to visualize and compare them with other thermobarometers.
However, I noticed that the Ti-in-Ms thermometer line disappear below 10 kbar, even if the range of applicability is 1-14 kbar. This issue occurred with all the samples I tested. Do you know why this happens?
This may occur at
This may occur at inappropriate settings for axes due to ln(P) term in the expression of the thermometer. Only positive input pressures are valid, therefore if P-increment is too large and if Pmin ≤ 0, at least one line node (Pmin) can not be calculated. Try to decrease "Step" (increment) value in the "Parameters" window (tab "Calculations"), or uncheck "Step" and increase number of steps in the counter under this checkbox. I guess you have Step=10 in your settings.
Yes, this is exactly what
Yes, this is exactly what happens and both suggestions solved the problem. Thanks again!
Dear Dmitry,
Dear Dmitry,
Thank you for this great piece of software. I appear to be having some trouble however when calculating P-T ranges for multiple minerals i.e. Grt Bio, etc. It may be the way my data is formatted however data analyses for single minerals such as garnet, biotite and muscovite all work perfectly.
If you have any insight into my problem I would be grateful.
Dear Sean,
Dear Sean,
The format of PTQuick input files (or data tables copied from MS Excel) is like this, in general:
Values in rows should be separated by TAB symbols, order of columns is not important.
The optional column "Area" (or "Field", "View", etc, look in PTQuick.ini its possible headers) can be treated as "sub-sample", i.e. as suffix for Sample ID: the program takes it into account to decide which analyses should be used for calculations when you select analysis in the table or press the "Report" button. So, you can regard this example as the set of 3 samples: Smp1_A, Smp1_B and Smp2_A.
PTQuick doesn't generate permutations of analyses by itself (as TC_Comb and TWQ_Comb do). If all data rows in this table are checked in PTQuick and some minerals have two or more analyses, the program takes only first appropriate analyses of each mineral (i.e. combinations Grt1r+Bt3+Mu5+Pl6 for Smp1_A, Grt7r+Bt8 for Smp1_B and Grt2r+Bt1 for Smp2_A). You should uncheck Grt-1r and Bt-3 rows to see the combination Grt2c+Bt4+Mu5+Pl6 of Smp1_A.
If you wish to process all possible combinations of analyses simultaneously, use the supplementary program PTQ_Comb: this program generates expanded tables for PTQuick. For example, this table will be represented as the set of samples Smp1_A_00, Smp1_A_01, Smp1_A_02, Smp1_A_03, Smp1_B_00, Smp1_B_01 and Smp2_A, where separate combinations are marked by additional numerical suffixes (00, 01, etc.).
Then you have to select desired thermometers and barometers in the window "Tools". PTQuick shows there sets of sensors on the basis of the whole set of minerals in the table. If curve of some sensor doesn't appear on the diagram while the selected sample contains analyses of all required minerals, you can press the "Table" button under the diagram: the program writes there notifications about possible errors like division by zero, invalid negative values, etc.
Hi Dima -- I was just about
Hi Dima -- I was just about to bother you with another email but thought I'd scour the discussion board for answers first. And voila, here is an exactly perfect answer to my questions already!
Thank you Dmitry,
Thank you Dmitry,
Excel sheet was reformatted, the problem is fixed and tools are all working perfectly.
I appreciate your help.
With gratitude,
New expressions added to
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
It is also important that while PTQuick takes amphibole formula coefficients recalculated by the method suggested in the article, you can not see these specific values in the compositional table (where results of standard calculations may only appear)!
Hello Dima,
Hello Dima,
I've yet to try this out (got to get onto a PC), but before I do I am wondering, have you included Auzanneau et al.'s (2009) Ti-in-phengite geobarometer in your program?
Dear Luke,
Dear Luke,
Unfortunately, Ti-in-phengite geobarometer from Auzanneau et al. (2010) is not implemented yet. Though, I can add this barometer over the next few days, depending on its complexity. I've just read this article quickly and have not yet understood where is geobarometer expression itself... :))) Is it that Fig.7 on page 16 with the PressION(GPa)-Temperature(°C)/logTi(Zrc)-Ti[Phengite] diagram? If it is, I should just approximate these curves by some polynomial.
BTW, no any Ti-in-Zircon geothermometers in PTQuick yet, too((( It seems that I should add them! ;-)
P.S. However, isoplethes on Fig.7 are getting too irregular at high Ti contents, this may prevent a simple polynomial fitting(((. So, the best way is more difficult: as the article is not completed (IMHO), readers/users have to write the full ΔG expression for MgCel+Rt=TiP+SiO2 reaction and solve it somehow (e.g. iteratively) relative to P at given T and mica composition.
Thanks for your quick
Thanks for your quick response!
I am having the same problem with that paper -- I can find various expressions but nothing that appears to be in the final, ready-to-use format. I am supposing that is might require rearranging the equations in the appendix, which I haven't done yet myself. (I was hoping it was in PTQuick!)
I tend to agree about the article -- it is difficult enough to get at the working expression that it is a huge barrier to use of the barometer. Which is too bad, because it otherwise seems like a really nice paper. Given how user unfriendly the article is, however, I am a little surprised it has so many citations.
Thanks again for your quickness. Also, this website of yours is a really good resource for others. It makes thermobarometry more accessible and less arduous.
Dear Luke,
Dear Luke,
I've looked several articles (having promising titles))) which cite Auzanneau et al. (2010): their authors just use this mica solution model for calculation of pseudosections, e.g. in Perplex. I suspect that you can find similar usage in all other articles. So, they don't use Ti-in-phengite geobarometer itself.
Expressions in the appendix are not required: these have been used by authors only for derivation of unknown thermodynamic properties of Ti-phengite. All what we need is to expand expression for ΔG(reaction)=0 (on p. 15) accurately using all relating expressions and data. Some of calculations readers must repeat on their own, e.g. derivation of Cp function for Ti-phengite (fortunately, this calculation is very simple).
I think the only problem with this very good article is its misleading title ("...geobarometer...", even not "potential"). In my opinion, to make true geobarometer, authors should derive the direct expression, including its simplifying with elimination of data having negligible effect on calculated pressures.
I will try to add this geobarometer to PTQuick.
You are a saint. -L
You are a saint.
I forgot to mention, I had
I forgot to mention, I had also looked at some of the citing papers and found the same thing -- no reference to the geobarometer itself, just use of the solution model.
Dear Luke,
Dear Luke,
I've prepared the evaluation version of this Ti-in-Phengite geobarometer in the MS Excel format. I usually write such kind of documents for complicated tools (just to test all expressions before adding to PTQuick). It seems that Excel version works as expected. You can download file Auzanneau et al 2010.xlsm from my GoogleDrive or YandexDisk folder, look how geobarometer is implemented (I decided to leave the full version) and try some of your own samples.
I'm planning to add this geobarometer to PTQuick in the next few days. I'll also replace the method of setting Fe3+% values in PTQuick.exe by the more correct one.
New expressions
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
PTQuick.exe has also been updated: more correct method is now used for recalculation of minerals having variable "Fe3%=" in Minerals.dat. Though, this fix should not seriously affect the results in most cases.
Sad mistake is fixed
Outdated *.lng-files appeared in the distributive, causing incorrect text messages and values (e.g. absence of "T,°C" for the "Axis" drop-down lists) and, finally, crushes of the program. Files replaced by their actual versions, now everything should work as expected.
Pseudo-sensors T(file), P(file) and lgfO2(file)
New pseudo-sensors added: T(file), P(file) and lgfO2(file), you can find them in "Default" sections of Thermometers, Barometers and Oxybarometers. You can use them to assign separate T(°C), P(kbar) and/or lg(fO2) values for each sample in the loaded table with mineral analyses, e.g. to calculate temperatures at experimental pressures, or to use constant parameters calculated by another sensors which I can not implement in PTQuick yet (like Ti-in-Zircon thermometer).
You must prepare additional file(s) (FileName.T, FileName.P, FileName.O) and place them to the folder of the main file with analyses (FileName.TAB). The program reads these files automatically after loading of FileName.TAB.
Files should contain simple tables (without headers), with 2-3 TAB-delimited values in each line: Sample ID, Field ID (if required) and T(°C), P(kbar) or lg(fO2) value.
Previous versions of PTools.dll (1.3.x.x) are incompatible with this version of PTQuick.exe due to small changes of interface between EXE and DLL programs, so you have to upgrade also PTools.dll (1.4.x.x is required).
Grt-Phe geobaramoter
Hi Dmitry,
Any chance that a Grt-Phe geobaramoter of Green and Hellman (1982) is gonna be used in PTQuick? It seems reasonable to have this calibration, since even some fresher thermobarometers for phengite (e.g., that of Auzanneau, 2010) are present already.
Grt-Phe geobaramoter
Hi Sergey,
Yes, incorporation of this old Grt-Phe geothermometer may be useful: it is directly based on unique high-PT experimental Fe-Mg exchange data, expressions are very simple. However, these 3 calibrations are strongly limited to experimental bulk compositions. So, I should also add more recent calibrations which take into account various modern data and avoid strong compositional restrictions, e.g. from Coggon & Holland (2002, JMG, 20, 683–696).
Grt-Phe geothermometer
Garnet-Phengite geothermometer close to Coggon & Holland (2002) is added to PTools.dll. Grt model is taken from Dale, Holland and Powell (2000, CMP, v.140, p.353-362). This geothermometer is extremely sensitive to Fe+3 estimations in Mu, use reasonable value of Fe3% variable in Minerals.dat for this mineral.
Two-feldspar thermometers
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
Two-feldspar thermometers (albite, anorthite and orthoclase equations) according to the most popular ternary feldspar model of Fuhrman & Lindsley (1988). However, they deal only with original compositions of minerals: tricks with re-equilibrations etc. are not performed (as they described in FL88 paper, Kroll, Evangelakakis & Voll, 1993, Wen & Nekvasil, 1994) because current version of PTQuick unable to report original and adjusted mole fractions, leaving these important information hidden from users. You have to use programs like SolvCalc, MTHERM.BAS, F/L/E-THERM.BAS or MATHEMATICA/Excel tools (from Benisek, Kroll & Cemić, 2004) for more sophisticated works.
Missing in current version?
Dear Dmitry,
were the thermometer of Fuhrman & Lindsley removed from the current downloadable version? Thanks!
Missing in current version?
Dear László,
No, all 3 variants of F&L'88 thermometer (for components Ab, An and Or) should be available if analyses with Fsp (or Kfs, Sa) and Pl (or An, Ab, Plg) mineral abbreviations have the same Sample ID (and Area ID if used).
For eclogites with phengite and/or Ky+Qtz/Coe
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
System of 2 barometers and 1 thermometer for eclogites with phengite and/or Ky+Qtz/Coe from Ravna & Terry (2004). Barometers can also be combined with Grt-Cpx thermometer from Ravna (2000). This thermometer has been renamed (was Krogh, 2000).
Recommendations for different assemblages:
- Grt+Cpx+Mu+Ky+Qtz/Coe: P(RT04a) + T(RT04c)
- Grt+Cpx+Mu: P(RT04a) + T(R00)
- Grt+Cpx+Ky+Qtz/Coe: P(RT04b) + T(R00)
NB! Don't forget todelete "Fe3%" fixation for muscovite in Minerals.dat andset "Use Fe[3+]" option ON.P.S. However, compare results with Thermocalc avPT ("old style") calculations (using TC_Comb) to check bias even if 3 linearly independent equilibria (incl. Grt-Cpx Fe2+/Mg exchange thermometer) intersect almost at the same PT point for both two methods. If PT parameters are shifted along Cpx-free reaction py+3mu+4coe=3cel+4ky, this bias occurs almost only due to different activities of Cpx components (Di). Elongation of uncertainty ellipse in TC_Comb also corresponds to this bias.
Thermobarometer for Mafic Granulites
Hi Mr Dima,
Thank you for developing such a beautiful programme. Can you please add the following geothermobarometers to PT Quick? It will be a great help.
1) grt-opx-pl-qtz barometers (Perkins and Chipera, 1985)
2) grt-opx thermometer (Ganguly et al., 1996)
3) grt-opx thermobarometer (Pattison et al., 2003)
1) Perkins, D., Chipera, S.J., 1985. Errata. Garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase-quartz geobarometry: refinements and application to the English River subprovince and the
Minnesota River Valley. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 90, 410.
2) Ganguly, J., Cheng, W., Tirone, M., 1996. Thermodynamics of aluminosilicate garnet and solid solution: new experimental data, an optimized model, and thermometric applications. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 86, 359-373.
3) Pattison, D.R., Chacko, T., Farquhar, J., Mcfarlane, C.R., 2003. Temperatures of granulite facies metamorphism: constraints from experimental phase equilibria and thermobarometry corrected for retrograde exchange. J. Petrol. 44, 867-900.
Thermobarometer for Mafic Granulites
I will try to add these expressions next week. However, the iterative Grt-Opx thermobarometer with retrograde exchange correction may require some more time for investigations.
Thanks for your quick
Thanks for your quick response.
Thermobarometer for Mafic Granulites
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
Thanks a ton Mr Dima for your
Thanks a ton Mr Dima for your help.
About Pattison et al., 2003
Unfortunately, I can not add Grt-Opx-Pl-(Crd-Bt) geothermobarometer to PTQuick because it requires some additional input data (modes of minerals in each sample and some other options) and produces additional important output. However, I will try to modify the program RCLC.BAS (and complile for 64-bit Windows) to make it more convenient, so that you will be able to process many samples at once and load results to Excel.
You have developed an
You have developed an excellent software which saves lot of time. Thanks for timely efforts and update on PTQuick.
RCLC2_FB is a modified version of the RCLC program of Dave Pattison, Thomas Chacko, James Farquhar and Christopher McFarlane:
Pattison, D.R.M, Chacko, T., Farquhar, J. & McFarlane, C.R.M. 2003. Temperatures of granulite-facies metamorphism: constraints from experimental phase equilibria and thermobarometry corrected for retrograde exchange // Journal of Petrology, v. 44(5), p. 867-900.
I've made it compatible with FreeBasic dialect and compiled to EXE-file. Workflow is changed: you have to prepare input table(s) with recalculated mineral analyses in Excel and edit very simple file RCLC.INI, then run RCLC2_FB.EXE. For example, you can take tables with recalculated analyses from PTQuick and modify them in Excel. Output files can also be directly loaded to Excel.
Download from Google Drive or Yandex Disk.
Use this method with caution, as there may be more interpretations for displacement of equilibria than just late Fe-Mg exchange.
P.S. I've added also RCLC2_QB64.BAS which is the version for QB64 BASIC dialect ( While it produces huge executables (> 2 Mb for Windows OS!), you can compile this program also for Mac OS (not tested, though).
Thanks a ton. Regards Sadiq
Thanks a ton.
RCLC2_FB.exe does not start
Dear Dima! Thank You for the programm! What to do if RCLC2_FB.exe doesn't get started? It opens and closes in a moment/ On Windows 10.
RCLC2_FB.exe does not start
Dear Tatiana,
This program has no any screen output or interaction with users, it just reads RCLC.ini file with the task parameters (# of Al-in-Opx model and name of the file with analyses), applies them, performs calculations, writes two output files and closes. You can find file Test.TAB with some analyses in the distributive and RCLC.ini configured for it. Two files should appear after running RCLC2_FB.exe: Test_Out.TAB and Test_Details.TAB.
AA ok, Thank You! now I
AA, thank You! now I understood)
But a bit addition in my
But a bit addition in my questions: What does number "mode" means?
It is modal composition of the rock, or
molar percentages. Say, 30 moles of Pl, 20 moles of Opx, 10 moles of Grt (and remaining 40 for Qtz).Updated: it is volume percentages.
Thank You for the explanation
Thank You for the explanation, Dmitriy!!
Dear Tatiana,
I looked into the text of the program and realized that I was mistaken: modes are volume percentages of minerals (observed in thin sections), not mole percentages! The program calculates mole percentages from these volume modes.
Дмитрий, спасибо большое за ответ!
Сейчас описываю методику по статье Паттисона, не могу понять какая у них поправка на давление, ведь речь именно о термоБАРометре, а описывают они только термометрию. Вы не могли бы подсказать?
Кроме того, в статье речь о гранулитах разной степени кремнеземистости, в том числе о мафических, как и у меня порода: с двумя пироксенами, гранатом, плагиоклазом, амфиболом, а вот в описании программы уже речь только о кварц-содержащей ассоциации. Точно ли я могу ею пользоваться, если у меня в породе кварца нет? (возможно сказать, что он был, но исчез в процессе ретроградной эволюции..?)
Здравствуйте, Татьяна!
Сама процедура коррекции состоит в том, что за счёт "виртуального" Fe-Mg обмена между Grt и Opx программа добивается схождения всех линий реакций (термометров и барометров) в одной точке - при искомых P-T параметрах. При этом изменяются как температуры, так и давления одновременно. Это проиллюстрировано у них на рис. 3 в статье. Обязательный набор минералов, присутствующих в парагенезисе: Grt+Opx+Pl+Qtz, т.е. кварц необходим - т.к. именно реакции с его участием в основном определяют давление. Если кварца нет, то это значит, что активность кремнезёма была меньше 1, т.е. порода была им недосыщена. Уменьшение активности SiO2 приводит к смещению реакций с ним (см. рис. 3 в статье) в сторону более низких давлений, поэтому давления, вычисляемые по этой методике, надо считать максимальной оценкой. То, что кварц был в породе, по-хорошему надо доказывать. И это предположение будет звучать особенно сомнительно, если в гранате не сохранились кварцевые включения, почти всегда присутствующие там в случае кристаллизации граната в кварцсодержащей породе (и практически не подвергающиеся более поздним изменениям).
Большое спасибо за ответ, Дмитрий! Действительно, при расчетах в TWQ линии с кварцем и миналами граната и пирноксенов у меня на 2.5 кб выше, чем точка пересечения реакций тех же миналов без кварца. В гранате конечно нет ни одного кварцевого включения (он у меня ретроградный кстати). Однако нашлись структуры распада вокруг ортопироксена, где очень мелкие ламелли кварца в амфиболовой оторочке. Боюсь, что это совсем не тот кварц, который нужен для подтверждения высокотемпературной ассоциации с кварцем.. При этом обычные термометры и барометры для мафических ассоциаций Grt-Opx, которые есть у Вас в PT_quick, а именно Lavrentieva (T), Harley(P), Nikitina (PT) для ядерных частей дают совсем уже высокие давления (12-13 кб), которых явно не было (судя по структуре породы и составу клинопироксена), собственно я поэтому и обратилась к RCLC.. В итоге, я так понимаю, мой выход из ситуации - пучки в TWQ с низкой активностью кварца или вообще без него. А простые термометры не могу применить.. ?
Одна из самых больших сложностей в термобарометрии - это обоснование равновесности выбранных для вычислений составов минералов. Особенно, если эти составы демонстрируют широкие вариации (приводящие к значительным перемещениям линий реакций по PT-полю). Далеко не факт, что ядра гранатов равновесны с какими-то из оставшихся зёрен пироксенов (и других минералов). Сходимость линий реакций в TWQ (или THERMOCALC) более-менее отражает степень равновесности (и выявляет откровенно неудачные варианты - которыми могут оказаться и вообще все!), если принять, что база термодинамических данных с моделями растворов адекватно описывает природные равновесные соотношения. Простых термометров и барометров зачастую оказывается недостаточно для подобной оценки.
Дмитрий, спасибо большое за консультацию!
Si in phengite geobarometer
Dear Dmitry,
I wonder if there is a possibility to include in your nice tool expressions for Si in phengite geobarometry in calibration by Caddick and Thomson (Contrib Mineral Petrol 2008 156:177–195) and Kamzolkin Geology of Ore Deposits (2016, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 613–622)? That would be really nice.
All the best
Si in phengite geobarometer
Dear Jacek,
These geobarometers appear to be rather simple, I will add them in the next few days.
Si in phengite geobarometer
Dear Dima,
you are extremely fast. Thank you very much.
All the best
Si in phengite geobarometer
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
Si in phengite geobarometer
Dear Deim,
Thanks a lot!
Si in phengite geobarometer
I just want to note that I have not yet verified the correctness of the first expression from Kamzolkin et al. (2016), because operator between Si and Fe+Mg terms is missed in the paper. So far I have used "+" and must test it using analyses from the paper.
Si in phengite geobarometer
OK. I tried to use this geobarometer and I put there a multiplication sign. However, I didn't test the expression using analyses from the paper.
Si in phengite geobarometer
I decided that operator "+" or "-" is missing (typo) because there are also two constants in both terms (1.76 and 12.89) that produce 22.6864 after simplification if multiplication is used. Though, they leave division by 10 to convert kbars to GPa, that also should be simplified in the final expression...)))
Si in phengite geobarometer
You are right. Using two different constants does not have a sense in that case. So, it should be a - or + sign.
Si in phengite geobarometer
I've checked this expression with different operators using analyses from the paper. It seems that with "+" pressures are closest to authors' results. However, I noticed also numerous irregular (+/-) differences in calculated formulae and, somewhere, in pressures. Most of them lie within 0.5 kbars, but several analyses demonstrate deviations even >7 kbars. These differences doesn't look like obvious typos (which are present in analytical data in the majority of publications).
Si in phengite geobarometer
this does not sound good. Do you think that this geobarometer is reliable?
Si in phengite geobarometer
I suspect that the authors didn’t complete something in the article and that there are differences between the descriptions in the article and the calculations that they actually made, apart from the usual typos (which are also there for sure). For example, the article might include the results of earlier versions of calculations. I will try also to calculate their data directly in Excel and then communicate with Alexandr Konilov (I suspect he is the first author of this barometer).
P.S. I've analysed data and results in the paper: expressions are correct (and yes, "+" is missing). However, many formulae of phengites (apfu) in the paper are strange (at least) and not fully correspond to their Wt% of oxides. Though, pressures in the paper are calculated using these doubtful formulae. This is the source of these large differences. So, I think that expressions are reliable, or more prudent: work as intended.
I remember only one case where the large set of garnet analyses has been recalculated by irreproducible method (or mixed up) in one publication and these unverified formulae (in mole fractions of components) where then used in testing of thermobarometric expression by another authors. And another case where one K-free analysis of "biotite" has been used in derivation of Grt-Bt expression. Fortunately, these mistakes didn't affect expressions dramatically.
Si in phengite geobarometer
Thank you for your explanation. I agree that there are in the paper some typos like for example in the Caddic and Thomsnom formulae of Si in phengite geobarometer. The recalculation from oC to K is wrong.
Garnet Geobarometer in Metapelite
Dear Dmitry,
I would like to kindly ask you to include in your PTQuick a garnet geobarometer in metapelite (
Thank you in advance and with best regards
Jacek Szczepanski
Garnet Geobarometer in Metapelite
Dear Jacek,
I will add this geobarometer in few days (it's better to re-formulate a, b and c coefficients, I'd like to convert them back to RTlnγ in PTQuick implementation).
It is actually Grt-Ilm-Ttn-Qtz geobarometer, not simply "Garnet" (and Fe2+-Ca intracrystalline exchange seems to be irrelevant): i.e. it should demonstrate larger errors if titanite or ilmenite is absent (producing minimum and maximum pressure estimates), or if ilmenite composition is not almost pure ilmenite. Moreover, I don't see the presence of ilmenite and titanite in the list of criteria for selection of samples used in calibration.
P.S. It seems that analyses in supplementary Excel spreadsheet are incorrectly recalculated for a given percentages of Fe3+: we can not just multiply only Fe2+tot, this operation must affect formula coefficients of all elements if calculations are based on charges (or Oxygens). This mistake has small but detectable effect.
BTW, there is a very simple and fast way to operate such iterative expressions in Excel spreadsheets like this pair of geothermometer + geobarometer in supplementary workbook: select whole block of calculated T and P (columns G and H with red values), copy and then repeatedly paste as values to "Input" columns (E and F) until numbers stop changing. I've placed button with "Copy as values" command to the quick access toolbar in my Excel and now just press it 5-10 times to perform all iterations with all samples at once.
Garnet Geobarometer in Metapelite
Dear Dimitry,
thank you for your effort and your comments.
all the best
Garnet Geobarometer in Metapelite
There is yet another, more serious problem with logics of this "Garnet geobarometer for metapelites": its calibration is based on reaction Alm+3Ttn=Grs+3Ilm+3Qtz and pressures obtained by GASP barometer. However, try to find any Al2SiO5-bearing metapelites containing titanite! :) As far as I know, only Ttn+Ky stable assemblage is possible: however, only at high and ultra-high pressures (at least > 15 kbars, larger than max. P limit of this expression) and not for metapelitic compositions. Therefore, I consider this tool highly doubtful.
Garnet Geobarometer in Metapelite
OK. Thank you very much for your explanations.
thermobarometers for metapelite/granulite
Can you please add the following thermo and barometers in P-T Quick.
1) two-feldspar thermometers (Stormer, 1975 and Whitney and Stormer, 1977)
2) garnet-cordierite thermometer (Bhattacharya et al., 1988)
3) Grt-Crd barometer(Harris&Holland,1984)
4) Aluminium solubility in Orthopyroxene (Harley 1984)(Barometer)
thank you in advance.
Dear Dmitry,
Dear Dmitry,
can you please add also a chloritoid-chlorite Mg-Fe thermometer from this paper 10.1046/j.1525-1314.1999.00174.x
Thank you in advance
New expressions
Dear friends,
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
- 2Fsp geothermometer of J.C. Stormer (1975) based on Ab partitioning between Pl and Fsp binaries, high-temperature model; possible historical interest
- 2Fsp geothermometer of J.A. Whitney and J.C. Stormer (1977) based on Ab partitioning between Pl and microcline binaries, low-temperature model with ideal Pl (i.e. γAb=1); possible historical interest
- Grt-Crd geothermometer of A. Bhattacharya, A.C. Mazumdar and S.K. Sen (1988) calibrated using the set of natural samples and PT estimated by other sensors. Authors attempted to derive parameters of cordierite non-ideal solution
- Grt-Crd geothermometer of S. Bhattacharya (1993) calibrated using thermodynamic data from dataset of Holland & Powell (1990) and refined non-ideal cordierite solid solution
- Chloritoid-chlorite geothermometer of O. Vidal, B. Goffe, R. Bousquet and T. Parra (1999) calibrated using the set of natural samples and PT estimated by other sensors
- Grt-Crd-Sil-Qtz geobarometer of N.B.W. Harris and T.J.B. Holland (1984) for the dry system (i.e. unhydrous cordierite). At aH2O=0.5 pressures increase by 0.7-1.2 kbars (depending on Crd hydration model)
NB! Minerals.dat is also updated: I've added cordierite and chloritoid. Formula of chloritoid is based on 8 cations there while 6 non-tetrahedral cations are used in Vidal et al., 1999 (I don't know why). Though, it is possible to use the latter scheme by setting "Elements=6" and "Exclude=Si".P.S. I didn't added Al-in-Opx geobarometer of S.L. Harley (1984) because it already present! :-) However, read also the paper of L.Ya. Aranovich and R.G. Berman "A new garnet-orthopyroxene thermometer based on reversed Al2O3 solubility in FeO-Al2O3-SiO2 orthopyroxene" (AM, 1997, v.82, p.345-353). You can try it e.g. in TWQ with BA96A database.
Thank you for such a quick response. Can you please explain "possible historical interest". Are these two feldspar thermometers updated by others? I want to use these for felsic granulites.
2Fsp thermometers
Dear Sadiq,
there have been a number of significant improvements since early Stormer's geothermometer. The most essential improvement is development of ternary feldspar models that take into account all three equilibria: Ab, An and Or. They provide important information on equilibration state of co-existing phases. The main problem for applicaton 2Fsp thermometry is departure from equilibrium due to the later Na-K exchange or re-crystallization: either purely diffusive or caused by (partial) re-equilibration with metamorphic fluids: e.g. in many cases you can find prominent zones in Fsp along thin (much less than mm) veinlets formed at later stages of brittle deformations. Feldsar readily changes its composition. This is why 2Fsp geothermometers work much better for fresh and rapidly cooled (quenched) volcanic rocks than for metamorhic rocks.
The most widely used model is the one of Miriam L. Fuhrman and Donald H. Lindsley (1988). They developed also the program that tries to find TAb, TAn and TOr closest to each other by fine adjustments of feldspar compositions. This model is implemented in PTQuick (though, without this adjustment procedure).
Some other well-known models (close to FL88) are: Ghiorso (1984), Green & Usdansky (1986) and Elkins & Grove (1990). There are also several programs which performs more sophisticated reconstruction of initial (equilibrated) compositions of coexisting ternary feldspars, like [F,E,L]-THERM.BAS of H. Kroll, C. Evangelakakis and G. Voll (1993) or SOLVCALC by S. Wen and H. Nekvasil (1994). It's difficult to find these ancient programs nowadays, therefore I decided to place them into one archive You can try also MATHEMATICA/Excel tools from Benisek, Kroll & Cemić, 2004.
If you're going to decide about some geothermo/barometer, the good practice is to check publications that cite this work: it's very easy now using services provided by the most publishers (or e.g. on ResearchGate).
P.S. Nevertheless, T(Ab) should demonstrate most stable and reliable results due to significant contents of Ab in plagioclase and alk. feldspar if compared with very small amounts of Or in Pl and An in Kfs. At least, very good analyses are required for the true ternary feldspar geothermometry. Simplest workflow with PTQuick is checking all 3 equilibria (how close they are to each other) and accepting T(Ab) as the most likely solution.
Dear Dima,
Dear Dima,
thank you very much for the detailed explanation on 2fsp thermometers, valuable suggestions and great help for adding different P-T tools in PT quick on request.
Thank you very much
Dear Dima, thank you for the brief but comprehensive information.
New expressions
Thank you very much Dmitry!
all the best
Dear Dima,
I can not find out the Grt-Crd geothermometer and Grt-Crd-Sil-Qtz geobarometer in PT quick which you have added on 15/03/2020. These tools are not coming up after entering data , however I can see 2felds thermometer you added the same day. Can you pls comment on this.
Tools not listed
Hi Sadiq,
This shouldn't happen if:
If all these conditions are met but Grt-Crd expressions are not listed, I need to check whether adding sensors is correct in PTQuick.exe.
P.S. It seems that something is wrong in the tools-listing procedures in PTQuick.exe. For example, "Default" items may have different contents or disappear at all while selecting different sets of tools. I must correct this.
PTQuick updated
Internal ordering of tools has been changed. This may fix wrong order of sensors (and their absence) in the "Tools" window.
Files to be updated: PTQuick.exe, Sets.dat and Tools.dat.
Thank you for such a speedy
Thank you for such a speedy action.
Best Regards
garnet-muscovite geothermometers
Dear Dima,
would it be possible do add to your nice tool following calibrations of garnet-muscovite geothermometer?
(1) Krogh, J.E., Raheim, A., 1978. Temperature and pressure dependence of Fe–Mg partitioning between garnet and phengite, with particular reference to eclogites. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 66, 75–80.
(2) Green, T.H., Hellman, P.L., 1982. Fe–Mg partitioning between coexisting garnet and phengite at high pressure, and comments on a garnet–phengite geothermometer. Lithos 15, 253–266.
(3) Hynes, A., Forest, R.C., 1988. Empirical garnet–muscovite geothermometry in low-grade metapelites, Selwyn Range (Canadian Rockies). J. Metamorph. Geol. 6, 297–309.
(4) Wu, C.-M., Wang, X.-S., Yang, C.-H., Geng, Y.-S., & Liu, F.-L. (2002). Empirical garnet–muscovite geothermometry in metapelites. Lithos, 62(1-2), 1–13.
best regards
garnet-muscovite geothermometers
Dear Jacek,
I will try to add these calibrations this week.
garnet-muscovite geothermometers
Thank you Dima
All the best
Geothermobarometers by Ganguly et al. 1996
Dear Dima,
Thank you so much for your site, i have found it quite useful . However will it be possible to add the garnet biotite thermometer and GASP barometer of Ganguly et al, 1996
as well as the garnet biotite and garnet cordierite thermometers by Kaneko and Miyano 2004
I look forward to your response.
Geothermobarometers by Ganguly et al. 1996
Dear Ify,
I will try to add these geothermometers this or next week.
Geothermobarometers by Ganguly et al. 1996
Dear Ify,
Grt-Bt thermometer and GASP barometer of Ganguly et al. (1996) are not so easy to add mainly because of the style of this article. These sensors appear there indirectly and no data presented for testing the expressions (that are no less complicated than in Holdaway's calibrations). I'll return to this article in half a month.
Thank you Dima, for your help
Thank you Dima, for your help with the Kaneko and Miyano geothermometers.
Still looking forward to Ganguly et al 1996 Geothermobarometer.
Hello Dmitry,
Just wanted to let you know that I am still looking forward to the addition of these calibrations to your program. Thank you.
New expressions
Dear friends,
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
garnet-muscovite geothermometers
Thank you Dima,
everything works perfectly.
Barometer for Mafic Granulites
Dear Dimitri,
Can you please kindly add Grt-Cpx-Pl-Qz barometer of Eckert, J. O., Newton, R. C., & Kleppa, O. J. (1991) "The ΔH of reaction and recalibration of garnet-pyroxene-plagioclase-quartz geobarometers in the CMAS system by solution calorimetry. American Mineralogist, 76(1-2), 148-160". For Newton and Perkins (1982), pressure estimates are generally low.
Barometer for Mafic Granulites
Dear Ashish,
I will add these (Cpx and Opx) calibrations in a week.
Barometer for Mafic Granulites
Dear Ashish,
I had some time now to add these Grt-Cpx/Opx-Pl-Qtz geobarometers, they are ready! I have to report also a small but nasty typo in this article: "xAb2" term is missed in the RTlnαAn part of the An activity expression, the full expression should be:
Dear Dimitri,
Dear Dimitri,
Many thanks for adding this barometer. I was using the Newton and Perkins (1982) αAn for calculations.
Calibrations for granulites lacking garnet
Hello Dima,
Can you please kindly add the following
1. Opx-biotite thermometry of Senegupta et al, 1990
2. Amphibole- Plagioclase geothermometer by Holland and Blundy , 1990,1994. ;
3. Amphibole - plagioclase barometry by Bhadra and Bhattacharya 2007.
I am working with samples that lack garnet.
Thank you.
Calibrations for granulites lacking garnet
Hello Ify,
I will add these Opx-Bt geothermometer and Am-Pl geobarometer by Bhadra & Bhattacharya (2007) as soon as possible, after adding a number of another expressions I'm dealing with right now. Am-Pl geothermometer of Holland & Blundy (1994) is already present in PTQuick (2 reactions + their average).
Thank You
Dear Dima,
Thank you for adding the calibrations.
New expressions
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat), most of them very old:
Dear Dima,
I'm just preparing a publication in which I'm utilising your PTQuick software. Therefore, I would like to kindly ask you if there is any publication related to PTQuick which I could put in the reference list?
Best regards
Dear Jacek,
PTQuick is not published in any periodic journal (yet?). However, you can make reference to its web page nowadays, like this:
Simakov S.K., Dolivo-Dobrovolsky D.V. 2009. PTQuick. Versions: (PTQuick.exe), (PTools.dll),, Accessed 28 June 2020.
Though, some publishers may require their own specific formats.
Excel sheet problem
Hi Dima DD. Firstly, I would like to thank you for the excellent work. I downloaded the program to process my data, however, I am having a problem with the excel input table. I've seen the video several times, I even copied the values in the example, but I can't load the program. Would you have a model table with fictitious values to test?
Excel sheet problem
Hi Haroldo,
Try to copy & paste table from this file: GCPQ.xlsx, it works for me.
Mr. Dima. Worked perfectly.
Mr. Dima. Worked perfectly. Congratulations on the work. thank you very much
plagioclase - muscovite geothermometer
Dear Dima,
Can you please kindly add the muscovite-plagioclase geothermometer from this publication
Thank you in advance
plagioclase - muscovite geothermometer
Dear Jacek,
I will add this geothermometer to the next update of PTools.dll with two other expressions: Grt-Chl-Ms-Pl-Qtz geobarometer (Gerya et al., Petrology, 1997, v.5(6), p.503-533) and Grt-Hbl geothermometer (Ravna, Lithos, v.53, 2000, p.265–277). I'm going to do it next week.
plagioclase - muscovite geothermometer
Dear Dima,
many thanks for your effort! I wonder if, additionally, it would be possible to add the Si in phengite geobarometer by Massone and Schreyer from 1987 ( and 1989 (10.1127/ejm/1/3/0391).
best regards
plagioclase - muscovite geothermometer
Dear Jacek,
Yes, it's possible, equations are very simple. However, the 1987 paper has only graphical form of the barometer. So, I have to digitize Fig. 3 and approximate these Si isopleths by linear + quadratic functions (as high-P lines are placed clearly denser than low-P ones; linear equation for these data presented in Kamzolkin et al. 2015 is very inaccurate). I've noticed also that the basic reaction of this barometer (3Qtz + 2Kfs + Phl + 2H2O = 3AlCel) depends on water activity, so that these isopleths are valid only for aH2O = 1 (Ptot = PH2O), or I have to include also Fig. 11 to account dependence on aH2O for rough estimation, or perform full thermodynamic analysis of this reaction. Actually, 1989 paper has similar problems with water activity, i.e equations are valid only for aH2O = 1.
P.S. Additionally, these barometers are for KMASH system only.
plagioclase - muscovite geothermometer
Dear Dima,
Thank you very much. PTQuick is extremely useful also because of your susceptibility to our numerous requests :-)
best regards
New expressions
New expressions added to PTools.dll and Tools.dat:
Problem faced by a first time user
I came across this excellent program just recently. Thanks for developing such a user friendly window based program. As a new user, I am still exploring the software. During this, the problem faced by me are:
- In the report section 'types' and 'samples and types' buttons are not getting active.
- Though number of pairs are there for a thermometer (e.g. Grt-Cpx), only one curve is forming for one calibration (e.g. Krogh, 1998).
I need your help in this regard. Thanks again.
Problem faced by a first time user
- 'types' and 'samples and types' options are grayed because input table doesn't have any column which may be treated as "type". The program recognizes columns by their headers. You can specify headers of columns with "types" via PTQuick.ini, variable "Types=" (only several first letters required in uppercase).
- The program shows curves for one set of analyses (e.g. for some pair of Grt and Cpx analyses) at a time, only "Report" diagrams with intersection points of selected thermometer(s) and barometer(s) show results for all samples at once.
a samll question using this software
Dear Dima,
Thanks for developing this useful software. I've been exploring the usage of this software these days, and it's amazing that this samll software has such a great effect. However, I found the following problem when using this software:
When I paste all my EMP data (just include Grt and Cpx), It works fine for all the thermometers and barometers in the Cpx (Grt) in the "Thermometers" and "Barometers". However, when I want to use any thermometers and barometers in the Grt Cpx, I can't get their P, T conditions. I don't know why this happened. I can guarantee that all my EMP data of Grt and Cpx are correct.
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
a small question using this software
Dear Ned,
It's difficult to answer with such a little information. One of possible reasons (the first guess): sample IDs (and/or field IDs) are unique for every analysis, the program can not find Grt-Cpx pairs with identical IDs. Then (if Grt-Cpx pair is OK but no any curves are plotted), you can press "Table" button under the diagram and look at P-T values: they may occur outside diagram borders, or some error messages may be shown instead. For example, mineral compositions may not meet requirements of selected thermometer or barometer.
a small question using this software
Dear Dima,
Thank you for your quick reply for our numerous problems using this program. I really appreciate it.
My input data don't have unique IDs , and work fine for the thermometers and barometers in the Cpx (Grt), but don't work for the Grt Cpx. Yeah, when I choose thermometers/barometers in the Grt Cpx, there is no any curves are plotted. But when I press "Table" button, the message is just 'Sample Field Comment #1 Tool Minerals #2 Tool Minerals T,癈 P,kbar', and there is no other words. I don't know what the problem is.
Best Regards,
a small question using this software
This message (the table header with "#1 Tool Minerals #2 Tool Minerals T, P") should appear only at the "Report" operation, i.e. if you want to find intersections of selected thermometer and barometer. Are these thermometer and barometer work separately, just when you check them in the "Tools" window? At least (if curves are not visible), they both must appear in the legend to the right of the diagram and some values should appear in the table. and I will try to find what is going wrong.
You can also send me part of you data table (e.g. to doliva
Dear Dima,
Dear Dima,
These thermometers/barometers in the Grt Cpx seems don't work separately. I mean, when I check anyone of them in the "Tools" window, there is no curves showed in the diagram. Yeah, when I choose some thermometers/barometers in the Grt Cpx, some legends show in the right of the diagram when I press "Report" button, but they just show like 0.3 seconds, then disappear.
I'll send my data to you right now. Thanks very much for this.
Best Regards,
Dear Ned,
Dear Ned,
My first guess was correct: the 1st column "Sample" in your table contains only unique IDs (=serial numbers of analyses). All what you have to do: change numbers (Sample IDs) for Cpx analyses: put there numbers from 1 to 14 (the same as for Grt analyses), so that each Grt has a paired Cpx analysis from the same sample.
WOW, problem solved! Thank
WOW, problem solved! Thank you, Mr.Dima, you are a saint!
Thanks very much.
Best Regards,
How to cite this
Thanks for this amazing software!
I would like to know how to cite this program for investigative a thesis?
PTQuick is not published in any periodic journal (yet?). However, you can make reference to its web page nowadays, like this:
Simakov S.K., Dolivo-Dobrovolsky D.V. 2009. PTQuick. Versions: (PTQuick.exe), (PTools.dll),, accessed: March 03, 2021.
Though, some publishers may require their own specific formats.
a small question using this software
Thanks for developing this useful software. One small problem is only the first paired Cpx and Opx is calculated and the subsenquent is not show even the compostion is very close between each rows. However, when I use the sencond pair as the first they also can be caculated. Another problem is in my computer only .txt format can be open but the excel format and direct paste are not available I don't know is that owing to my computer problem or software?
a small question using this software
Hi jilei,
PTQuick can not generate permutations of analyses in one sample/field itself: it always use the first checked analysis of mineral in the table. So you can either uncheck some rows in the table, or use special program PTQ_Comb to generate the expanded table with all combinations of analyses for PTQuick.
Regarding PTQuick vs. Excel:
Try to click any *.TAB file in file manager, usually this extension is not associated with any program and Windows will let you select some program to open TAB files. You can go to the Program files\Microsoft Office\OfficeXX folder and select EXCEL.EXE there, + don't forget about checkbox "Always use this program". At the first run, Excel may not recognize TAB character as delimiter and you have to select it in the text file import dialog (or use menu command "Data - Text to Columns" if the table has been imported with wrong delimiter). You can read the more detailed description with more options in the Microsoft support information. I don't understand what's may go wrong with standard Copy/Paste operations, except the same delimiter issue.
Request for new GTB
Dear Dima,
Thank you for developing such a beautiful tool. Can you please add the following geothermobarometers to PT Quick? It will be a great help.
1) Calibration of the biotite-muscovite geobarometer for metapelitic assemblages devoid of garnet or plagioclase -
2) Empirical calibration of six geobarometers for the mineral assemblage quartz+muscovite+biotite+plagioclase+garnet -
3) Stability field of the high-pressure assemblage talc + phengite and two new phengite barometers - 10.1127/ejm/1/3/0391
Request for new GTB
Dear Jacek,
I will add these barometers as soon as possible. Moreover, I'm also planning to use this Bt-Mu geobarometer (Wu, 2020) in one work.
We have discussed these Si-in-Phe barometers earlier, they require strict compliance with mineral assemblages (the main problem of Si-in-Phe barometer from Kamzolkin et al., 2016), almost pure KMASH system and aH2O≈1, + good analytical data, e.g. Si→Al on Z site should correspond well to Mg+Fe→Al substitution on Y site. Nevertheless, I will add these simple expressions, too.
New expressions in PTools.dll and PTQuick update
New expressions added to PTools.dll (+ Tools.dat & Sets.dat):
Small changes in PTQuick:
I would like to know if there
I would like to know if there geo-termobarometers that can be used on the following mineralogical associations in high pressure followed by high temperature.
I read that for example Al in Talc, Ti in phengite or Si in phengite is a good geobarometer, But I can't find it in the TPQuick app
also the abbreviation of Talc is not valid? or not exist
Thank you for your help.
I would like to know if there
Hi karima,
Sorry for my late response, I was far from internet last week.
I think that classical geothermobarometry is not a good choise for your assemblages, calculating pseudisections should be much more informative.
Though, there are several Si-in-phengite geobarometers (Caddick & Thompson 2008, Kamzolkin et al. 2016, Massonne & Schreyer, 1989) and one Ti-in-phengite geobarometer (Auzanneau et al. 2010) in PTQuick, in latest PTools.dll vers. However, they can be applied to specific assemblages/rock compositions (e.g. Massonne & Schreyer, 1989 has been calibrated only for Mu-Ky-Qtz/Coe-Tlc close to pure KMASH system) or imprecise (e.g. Kamzolkin et al. 2016 which is claimed to be universal). This is a characteristic feature of almost any monomineral sensor based on major rockforming elements.
AFAIK, Tschermak’s substitution Mg+Si→2Al in natural talc (sensu stricto) is very limited (typically < 1 wt% Al2O3), Mg→Fe is more significant. While talc has been added to Minerals.dat (with abbreviations Tlc, Tc, Ta + you can add your own there), PTQuick has no any geothermometer or geobarometer that use its composition (i.e. analyses of talc), only mineral abbreviation of talc in Minerals.dat is required by Massonne & Schreyer, 1989 Si-in-phe geobarometer.
Ti in Bt by Henry 2005
Hello, thanks for this great site! Would it be possible to add the original Ti in Biotite work by Henry et al 2005? Thank you.
Ti in Bt by Henry 2005
I'll add this thermometer in the next one-two days, expression is very simple!
Ti in Bt by Henry 2005
OK, done! ))
Splllm and FeO calculate
Thank you for this great software!
I write SplIlm to mineral row on excel sheet. I see always this error " SplIlm - no such mineral abbreviation in Minerals.dat". How can ı solve this problem?
May ı calculate temperature and pressure for FeO?
Thank you
Splllm and FeO calculate
PTQuick identifies minerals by their abbreviations in the "Mineral" column. You can open the Minerals.dat file in Notepad and check descriptions of minerals: no any mineral is abbreviated "SplIlm", only "Spl" for spinel and "Ilm" for ilmenite. So, you should write either "Spl" or "Ilm", depending on the actual mineral in your table.
Thank you for reply.
Thank you for reply.
Thanks very much.
Best Regards