
Drawpd2TVLDrawpd2TVL is a ©MS Windows freeware that can be used to convert THERMOCALC output files into phase diagrams. It is a replacement for the standard Drawpd program included in the THERMOCALC package.



TC_Comb is a wrapper for the THERMOCALC program of R. Powell and T. Holland running in multi-equilibrium geothermobarometry modes (only avPT+Reactions now). This program can make THERMOCALC geothermobarometry more effective and comfortable.


TWQ_ViewTWQ_View is a handy ©MS Windows freeware for viewing and basic work with diagrams generated by the TWQ/winTWQ program package of R.G. Berman, T.H. Brown, E.H. Perkins and J. Ellwood...


TWQ_CombTWQ_Comb is a ©MS Windows freeware for automatic generation of all possible combinations of selected microprobe analyses and for their processing by the [win]CMP.EXE and [win]TWQ.EXE programs (from the TWQ or winTWQ packages of R.G. Berman et al.) running in the batch mode...


PTQuick logoPTQuick is a handy ©MS Windows program for estimation of equilibrium parameters (temperatures, pressures, oxygen fugacities) for mineral parageneses using methods of classical geothermobarometry, i.e. by independent expressions and algorithms ("tools") developed by different authors...


MassBalanceMassBalance is a very simple freeware ©MS Windows program designed to compare chemical analyses of rocks representing successive alteration stages (metasomatic, weathering, etc.).



 You can use this small freeware program for fast filtration of known minerals by qualitative chemical composition and/or by presence/absence of specified substrings in their names and/or formulae. For example, it can help you to select minerals that may correspond to problematic microprobe analyses...


GMxgrid is a ©MS Windows freeware program for working with scanned raster images of topographic maps that performs one important operation: automatic detection of intersections of lines in a strictly rectangular grid. These crosshairs are used as calibration points in correction of distorsions for precise geo-referencing in the GIS software Global Mapper by Blue Marble Geographics.


TriQuickTriQuick is a general purpose plotting ©MS Windows program for creation and working with rectangular and ternary scatter diagrams and for viewing, creation and primitive editing of diagram graphics. TriQuick is also used as a server for displaying diagrams created in some of my other programs and its presence is required for their normal functioning.


PTQ_Avg logo

PTQ_Avg is a supplementary program for PTQuick which calculates "simple averages": the points with shortest root-mean-squared distances to all the lines plotted on 2D diagrams.
