TC_Comb program has been updated to
- A sad bug causing hanging of AX_2.exe at repeated calculation of activities (for updated PT conditions) has been...
TC_Comb program has been updated to
XFluid calculates compositions of C-O-H fluid at pressures from 1 bar to 100 kbar and temperatures from 400°C to 2300°C according to the EOS of C. Zhang C and Z.H. Duan (...
PTQuick is a handy ©MS Windows program for estimation of equilibrium parameters (temperatures, pressures, oxygen fugacities) for mineral parageneses using methods of...
Reactions is a small handy program for generation of all possible reactions between specified substances (pure minerals and components of solid solutions, oxides and...
PT_Gtrm is a program for fitting continental conductive geotherms to clouds of PT points. Models of H. Pollack & D. Chapman (1977) and D. Hasterok & D. Chapman (...
TQ_Hist is a small and very simple program for plotting histograms in TriQuick. Histograms in TQ_Hist have horizontal axis with rational values, bars are placed between...
The new TC_Comb version 1.1 has been released. The most important improvement of the program is an extended support for calculations involving fluid components (H2O and CO2) and...
All the programs can be downloaded now from the Yandex Disk file storage service. It is important for those who have no access to Google Drive.
The TC_Comb program is updated.
New features:
PDF file with documentation for TC_Comb has been added to the zip-archive on Google Drive.
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